This is where you can check who has signed the pledge, and who needs to hear from you to be encouraged to do so.
We Signed The Repeal Pledge!
These are the ten most recent signers of the Repeal Pledge. Please thank them on their Facebook walls, by email, or however you wish to do so. Click here for the full list of Repeal Pledge signers
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Click here for the full list of Repeal Pledge signers
Tell Them To Just Do It
Below is a priority list of those who still haven't signed The Repeal Pledge, even though they claim they are opposed to the government takeover of health care. These people need to hear from you: tell them to sign The Repeal Pledge. Please go on their Facebook walls, call them, or send them an email, telling them it's time to back up promises with action. And then encourage people in their area to sign the People's Promise, and contact these candidates too!
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What They Are Saying
I Signed the Pledge To Repeal Obamacare, Have You?

by Newt Gingrich, Human Events
Yesterday in Mason City, Iowa, I signed the Obamacare Repeal Pledge, sponsored by the Independent Women’s Voice and American Majority Action.
Obamacare is such a massive and complex power grab of a law that there are countless specific reasons to oppose the law.
But as I was signing the repeal pledge, I reflected upon three big reasons that Obamacare must be repealed…
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Grass-Roots Activists Gear Up Campaign to Repeal Obamacare
by David A. Patten, Newsmax
Activists are kicking off a pledge initiative to ensure politicians promising to “repeal and replace” healthcare reform actually follow through and vote to pull the plug on Obamacare.
To encourage candidates to keep their promises even after K-street lobbyists come calling, two nonprofit groups – Independent Women’s Voice and American Majority Action – launched a “repeal pledge” drive on Sept. 21.
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Tea Party, Allies Demand GOP Work Toward ObamaCare’s End
By David Hogberg, Investor’s Business Daily
If the Republicans win one or both chambers of Congress in November, they will be under intense pressure from conservative and Tea Party groups to move forward on repealing ObamaCare.
“The grass-roots and the Tea Party movement want full repeal,” said Andy Roth, vice president of Club For Growth. “If that cannot be done, they could be assuaged if Republicans in Congress are seen as actively picking away at it.”
The IWV pledge commits candidates and members who sign it to vote for full repeal and for legislation that kills ObamaCare provisions such as the tax hikes and the individual mandate to buy insurance.
Read the full article:
Pledge Drive
by Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review Online
In a recent survey of twelve battleground districts for The Hill, Democratic pollster Mark Penn found that 56 percent of voters want the new health-care law repealed. “Undecided voters wanted the healthcare law repealed by 49 percent to 27 percent,” said Penn.
The poll strongly suggests that Republican candidates for Congress should get to the right of their Democratic opponents on the law and then highlight the difference. In cases where Republicans are running against Democratic incumbents who voted against the law, that means pledging to repeal it — and challenging the Democrat to do the same.
The most ironclad pledge I’ve seen out there is the one that Independent Women’s Voice and American Majority Action are jointly promoting.
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Activists to GOP: Put it in writing
by Carrie Budoff Brown, Politico
Nearly every Republican running for Congress has vowed to roll back the new health care law.
More than one-third of all Republican TV spots go so far as to mention the word “repeal.”
And House GOP leadership embraced a “repeal-and-replace” platform in its governing manifesto, “A Pledge to America.”
But grass-roots activists, haunted by broken promises when Republicans controlled the White House and Congress, still aren’t convinced. They want this promise in writing – again and again.
Read the full article:
Wall Street Journal: Repeal Pledge Helps Keep Politicians Honest
Wall Street Journal
Launched a week ago by the nonprofit outfits Independent Women’s Voice and American Majority Action, The Repeal Pledge has been signed so far by 43 Republicans. Its sponsors are about to name a board of outside policy experts to evaluate all votes and let the public track how Members shake out on health care. The pledge applies beyond repeal per se to interim steps like discharge petitions to allow certain up-or-down votes in Congress on partial repeal, stripping funding from some ObamaCare subsidy or enforcement programs, and repealing certain regulations.
Read more:
The Repeal Obamacare Pledge
by Michael Barone, Senior Political Analyst, San Francisco Examiner
Robert Pear of the New York Times reports that House Republican leaders are determined to vote to repeal Obamacare and, knowing that Barack Obama would veto such a bill, are “determined to chip away at the law if they could not repeal it.” Will their members back them up? That’s the hope of Independent Women’s Voice, which has launched a Repeal Pledge which it’s asking members of Congress to sign.
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A ‘pledge’ to turn out ObamaCare
by Chad Groenig, OneNewsNow
An independent women’s organization is calling on voters and candidates to sign a pledge committing to the repeal or replacement of ObamaCare.
A recent poll found that 73 percent of independent voters think it is important that the candidate they vote for this November supports repealing or replacing the unpopular healthcare law rammed through Congress earlier this year by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama. The survey was conducted by Democratic pollster Doug Schoen for the Independent Women’s Voice (IWV), an affiliate organization of the Independent Women’s Forum.
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Want votes? First, candidates in Election 2010 must make a pledge.
By Gail Russell Chaddock, Christian Science Monitor
In 1994, House Republicans – challengers and nearly all incumbents – campaigned on a Contract With America that set out how Republicans would govern, if they took back the House. But in the 2010 midterm election, grass-roots groups, mainly on the right of the political spectrum, are demanding more of candidates: a pledge that, once elected, they will live up to their campaign promises, or be held accountable in 2012.
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Take Pledge or Walk Plank
By Dick Morris, The Hill
As congressmen and senators face the electorate next week, millions of votes will turn on one simple question: Did he (she) take the pledge? The pledge to repeal ObamaCare.
In recent weeks, Democratic candidates have been profuse in their determination to “fix” ObamaCare. West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin ran an ad saying he was going to repeal “the bad parts of ObamaCare.” With such sleight-of-hand efforts to blunt the GOP’s best issue, the question needs to be put to all incumbents and their challengers: Are you willing to take the pledge?
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